
Appointment Fees

My standard fee for each 50 minute appointment is benchmarked against the Euro, and includes all relevant taxes. I review my fees annually against inflation.

New Zealand: $125 ~ European Union: €70 ~ United Kingdom: £65

I accept payment following each appointment, or as an end of month invoice once we have established a solid working alliance.

For those in New Zealand, I accept payment via online bank deposit to my New Zealand bank account. For those in the EU and UK, I accept payment via the Wise payment platform or via online bank deposit to my French bank account.


Cancellation Policy

Psychotherapy involves a commitment on behalf of both of us, and appointment regularity is an important part of the process. Once we come to an agreement about a regular time to meet each week (or more than once a week, as required), I commit to keeping this time available to meet with you (until such time as you or we decide to bring therapy to an end). With this in mind, while I understand that things crop up from time to time meaning you may not be able to attend an appointment, my standard practice is to bill for missed appointments. With sufficient notice, I will always endeavour to reschedule to a different time the same week, however, this will not always be possible.


Appointment Regularity

As mentioned, attending appointments regularly is an important part of the psychotherapy process. My professional opinion is that weekly appointments are the minimum required to make the therapeutic process worthwhile. This allows both of us to remain connected with your process, allows the process to remain alive between appointments, and allows space for psychological and relational patterns to emerge within the therapeutic relationship - an important, potentially challenging, but rich and developmental area of work.